Friday, February 22, 2013
The New York Times published an editorial on February 18, 2013 that was entitled 'Unjust Mandatory Minimums'. The author of this editorial was pointing out the fact that many states have mandatory minimum sentences for certain crimes that are causing minor criminals to be incarcerated the same amount of time as major criminals. In drug trafficking cases no matter the role that the individual played in the crime, they are sentenced to the same amount of time as someone who was manufacturing drugs. This editorial is well backed up with statistics and quotes from judges. The intended audience seems to be anyone who would be concerned with this issue. Although the actual story is directed at the attorney general, Congress, and the sentencing commision who are directly spoken to in the last sentence of the article. I agree completely with the point that the author is trying to make. Criminals should be sentenced on a case by case basis, there absolutely should not be a general sentence for certain crimes because it is unfair and unjust.
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